Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Day 6

I did 50 squats!!!!! I didn't think this was possible and it was! My legs are tingling as we speak.
Yesterday was an easy day only 5 situps, 10crunches, and 20 squats and then today it did a big jump to 15situps,  30crunches and 50 squats!!!
I can't feel my legs!!! I'm getting good at the situps and crunches though!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Day 3

Situp: 5 much easier today then the first two days, but then it was only 5 today.

Crunches: I love crunches. Prefer crunches other then situps or squats.

Squats: 35 squats today!!! My legs fell jello!!! I was barely able to do 35.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Day 1

Crunches were way easy (10)

Squats: I hate squats, but they actually weren't that bad. I think it has to do with Liam drops something, I have Aria carried so I squat to pick it up. Thought 25squats were going to kill me but actually weren't that bad.

Sit ups. Ahh I think I'm getting old. I just had to do 10 and I had trouble picking myself up. But at least I got to do all 10 without passing out.

January challenge